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Apollo EMPACT 2011
Apollo EMPACT 2011
Editors Desk
Apollo conducted its first Emergency Medicine Procedural and Clincal Training (EMPACT) workshop, at Apollo Health City Hyderabad, on 21-23 January 2011.
Apollo Hyderabad has been a pioneer of EM growth in India since 1999, developing the full spectrum of emergency medicine (EM), ranging from clinical patient care, EMS, emergency departments (ED), EM educational programs, lifesupport training, research, medical simulation, EM ultrasound, disaster management, ED administration and telemedicine.
Apollo EMPACT was a 3-day workshop for 110 doctors, with resuscitation & emergency clincal procedures on Day 1, core EM lectures & simulation on Day 2, and basic EM ultrasonography skills taught on Day 3.
Image 1 - Dr. Mahesh Joshi, Director for Emergency Medicine - Apollo Hospitals Group, addressed doctors on the importance of emergency medicine specialty and gave an overview of resuscitation. Dr. Mahesh Joshi is a honorary recipient of the Fellowship of College of Emergency Medicine (FCEM) United Kingdom, in 2010.

Image 2 - Lecture on Early Goal Directed Therapy in Sepsis, at Apollo EMPACT
What we particularly liked about this training is that the 90% of the teaching faculty were residency trained in EM (within India), qualified in EM (MCEM/FCEM), and working fulltime in EM (in Apollo EDs). The talks on Resuscitation overview, Trauma, Sepsis & Stroke were good and relevant to daily work in EM. Apollo also had created their closed pool of teachers from their own EDs, which was evident from the Apollo GEMS (Group Emergency Management System) shirts the entire faculty was wearing. Both EMPACT & GEMS were a part of a larger initiative of Apollo for EM in India.

Image 3 - A team of doctors & nurse attempt resuscitation on a high fidelity manikin in a simulated emergency room. The live video from the room was visible to the entire audience.
Image 4 - Simulation instructors debriefed on the performance of doctors after each simulation scenario.
The simulation workshop on Day 2 was the first time many doctors were exposed to the concept of medical simulation. And this was the first time in India that a medical simulation workshop has been conducted at this scale, despite more than 18 Indian institutes having medical simulation equipment.

Image 5 - The audience consisted largely of working EM residents, along with a few interns & academic trainers.
Image 6 - Doctors getting a hands-on experience on basic EM ultrasonography. A few of them got to handle the cellphone-sized V-Scan portable ultrasound machine.
We strongly believe that EM cannot be learnt from doctors of any other specialty, unless they have worked full time, under supervision, in a well established EM department. With the cropping up of multiple questionable EM related courses & their self-declared course directors, all over the country (both Govt & private), Apollo EMPACT workshops are set to be one of the best learning opportunities for the any EM resident working in India.
- EmergencyMedicine.in
Disclaimer - EmergencyMedicine.in was one of the sponsors for Apollo EMPACT Jan 2011
Copyright ©2011 EmergencyMedicine.in All Rights Reserved.
Unauthorized copying or reproduction of this article is prohibited without written authorization.
Editors Desk

Apollo Hyderabad has been a pioneer of EM growth in India since 1999, developing the full spectrum of emergency medicine (EM), ranging from clinical patient care, EMS, emergency departments (ED), EM educational programs, lifesupport training, research, medical simulation, EM ultrasound, disaster management, ED administration and telemedicine.
Apollo EMPACT was a 3-day workshop for 110 doctors, with resuscitation & emergency clincal procedures on Day 1, core EM lectures & simulation on Day 2, and basic EM ultrasonography skills taught on Day 3.
Image 1 - Dr. Mahesh Joshi, Director for Emergency Medicine - Apollo Hospitals Group, addressed doctors on the importance of emergency medicine specialty and gave an overview of resuscitation. Dr. Mahesh Joshi is a honorary recipient of the Fellowship of College of Emergency Medicine (FCEM) United Kingdom, in 2010.

Image 2 - Lecture on Early Goal Directed Therapy in Sepsis, at Apollo EMPACT
What we particularly liked about this training is that the 90% of the teaching faculty were residency trained in EM (within India), qualified in EM (MCEM/FCEM), and working fulltime in EM (in Apollo EDs). The talks on Resuscitation overview, Trauma, Sepsis & Stroke were good and relevant to daily work in EM. Apollo also had created their closed pool of teachers from their own EDs, which was evident from the Apollo GEMS (Group Emergency Management System) shirts the entire faculty was wearing. Both EMPACT & GEMS were a part of a larger initiative of Apollo for EM in India.

Image 3 - A team of doctors & nurse attempt resuscitation on a high fidelity manikin in a simulated emergency room. The live video from the room was visible to the entire audience.
Image 4 - Simulation instructors debriefed on the performance of doctors after each simulation scenario.
The simulation workshop on Day 2 was the first time many doctors were exposed to the concept of medical simulation. And this was the first time in India that a medical simulation workshop has been conducted at this scale, despite more than 18 Indian institutes having medical simulation equipment.

Image 5 - The audience consisted largely of working EM residents, along with a few interns & academic trainers.
Image 6 - Doctors getting a hands-on experience on basic EM ultrasonography. A few of them got to handle the cellphone-sized V-Scan portable ultrasound machine.
We strongly believe that EM cannot be learnt from doctors of any other specialty, unless they have worked full time, under supervision, in a well established EM department. With the cropping up of multiple questionable EM related courses & their self-declared course directors, all over the country (both Govt & private), Apollo EMPACT workshops are set to be one of the best learning opportunities for the any EM resident working in India.
- EmergencyMedicine.in
Disclaimer - EmergencyMedicine.in was one of the sponsors for Apollo EMPACT Jan 2011
Unauthorized copying or reproduction of this article is prohibited without written authorization.
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