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Abbreviation: EM = Emergency Medicine
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In the sincere effort of promoting the independent specialty of EM and its awareness, www.emergencymedicine.in will only mention / highlight those institutions / agencies / bodies which clearly recognise EM as an independent specialty and / or have been associated with it for a long time. EM as independent specialty means that the institution / hospital has an emergency department which is manned by its own dedicated staff / personnel and is governed by emergency physicians or doctors who are qualified / trained specifically in EM but not by people from various other specialties like medicine, cardiology, critical care or anesthesia. This discretion / recognition lies solely with the administrator of www.emergencymedicine.in who may / may not take references from prominent and outstanding persons / authorities who have been associated with EM in India.
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In the sincere effort of promoting the independent specialty of EM and its awareness, www.emergencymedicine.in will only mention / highlight those institutions / agencies / bodies which clearly recognise EM as an independent specialty and / or have been associated with it for a long time. EM as independent specialty means that the institution / hospital has an emergency department which is manned by its own dedicated staff / personnel and is governed by emergency physicians or doctors who are qualified / trained specifically in EM but not by people from various other specialties like medicine, cardiology, critical care or anesthesia. This discretion / recognition lies solely with the administrator of www.emergencymedicine.in who may / may not take references from prominent and outstanding persons / authorities who have been associated with EM in India.
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