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Making of New Medical Specialty - A Policy Analysis of the Development of Emergency Medicine in India
Making of New Medical Specialty - A Policy Analysis of the Development of Emergency Medicine in India
Journal Article!
Reference/share this article - https://www.emergencymedicine.in/current/news.php?readmore=204
This article, a very lengthy commentary primarily based on interview responses and observational data, makes a good read to those who are curious about the history of development of emergency medicine in India. Some useful information can be found. It throws light about the growth of EM residency programs in India, people who were responsible for them, and their conflicts. However, there seem to be severe limitations in the study and the article fizzes off badly without any actionable points.

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International Journal of Health Policy and Management
Journal Article!

Reference/share this article - https://www.emergencymedicine.in/current/news.php?readmore=204
This article, a very lengthy commentary primarily based on interview responses and observational data, makes a good read to those who are curious about the history of development of emergency medicine in India. Some useful information can be found. It throws light about the growth of EM residency programs in India, people who were responsible for them, and their conflicts. However, there seem to be severe limitations in the study and the article fizzes off badly without any actionable points.

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International Journal of Health Policy and Management
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