



ATLS India - Advanced Trauma Life Support

American College of Emergency Physicians

College of Emergency Medicine, United Kingdom

Australasian College of Emergency Emergency Medicine

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Greetings from EmergencyMedicine.in - The first and only web portal for emergency medicine in India.
We started in May 2006 and are continuing on our quest to provide all EM related information.

As we are all taking the specialty of emergency medicine into its new rapid phase of expansion, the
demand by newcomers for authentic information is at its peak.

www.emergencymedicine.in now recieves more than 12000 visitors per month! Our mailbox is now recieving
about a 100 enquiries a month about all aspects of EM. We get enquiries for locations of training
programs, departments, Heads, EM physicians, mentors, examinations, overseas observerships,
international visitors and workshops. We also are now giving career advice to fresh graduates regularly
and directing them to relevant institutes based on their preferences.

In an effort to standardise the information we have about emergency departments in India, we have created
an online form which needs to be submitted, in order to be listed on our website. This information will be
displayed and used to guide students, residents, observers and potential training candidates to your dept.

The list of emergency departments in India can be reached by clicking on the link at the top left corner of this page.

We will process your submitted information and update our site pages accordingly.
Please include any information specific to your dept that you want us to know.

We hope that this effort will ensure the availability of authentic information to all our visitors.

To submit information, request for an emergency department survey form by sending us an email at emergencymedicine.in@gmail.com

- Administrator
