ATLS India - Advanced Trauma Life Support
American College of Emergency Physicians
College of Emergency Medicine, United Kingdom
Australasian College of Emergency Emergency Medicine

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Controversy over EMRI (108) Ambulance Service
Emergency Management & Research Institute, A Scam too?
Those who have been crying foul against various state governments patronising the 108 EMRI ambulance service have now lodged a fresh police complaint alleging theft of public money by the Rajus through EMRI. The `108' ambulance service has curiously been patronised by 12 state governments across the country, with eight handpicking it without even floating tenders.
Click here to read full article (Times of India)
TEMcon 2009 Postponed!
The 2nd Transforming Emergency Management Conference organised by EMRI has been indefinitely postponed as per the official EMRI website. The conference was scheduled on Feb 5-7 2009 at Hyderabad. No future dates have been announced.
Those who have been crying foul against various state governments patronising the 108 EMRI ambulance service have now lodged a fresh police complaint alleging theft of public money by the Rajus through EMRI. The `108' ambulance service has curiously been patronised by 12 state governments across the country, with eight handpicking it without even floating tenders.
Click here to read full article (Times of India)
TEMcon 2009 Postponed!
The 2nd Transforming Emergency Management Conference organised by EMRI has been indefinitely postponed as per the official EMRI website. The conference was scheduled on Feb 5-7 2009 at Hyderabad. No future dates have been announced.