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Enemies of Emergency Medicine Development in India - LOW TOXICITY
Enemies of Emergency Medicine Development in India - LOW TOXICITY
Editors Desk
Reference/share this article - https://www.emergencymedicine.in/current/news.php?readmore=201
Although we havent put up many posts over the last couple of years, our network (which is always active) has made plenty of interesting observations, especially about people working (or claiming to work) for emergency medicine (EM) development in India. Most senior & junior staff are working in a myriad of emergency departments (ED), maintaining a collective culture and are heading generally in the right direction.
There are also morons and hooligans in the system. And these crooks are the ones we were watching for quite some time. With our adaptive camouflage enabled, we mingled with them, we observed them, we heard them speak, we looked at what they were doing, where they were working, who they hang around with, their modus operandi, their online world, their offline world, their projects, what gossip they were spreading around, their regularity, what their mentors and proteges were doing, and just about everything else. And whoa! We really got to know a lot of stuff. Our analysis has led us to designate these crooks as the Enemies of Emergency Medicine Development in India, categorise their toxicity, and keep you informed.
Check out the LOW TOXICITY ENEMIES below and enjoy!
Remember, there are always exceptions and those who have been rehabilitated after temporary insanity. If you are fitting perfectly into a description, either you can change for the better, or go cry to your mom. If you are a novice or trainee in Indian EM, "For God's sake, be careful out there!"

AGENT - 420
Alias - Char so bees (420 in Hindi)
Indian Penal Code 420 - Cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property.
One who misrepresents himself/herself in meetings, conversations and documents.
The strength of an Agent-420 lies in deception and stealth, hence always works alone. They claim to work in EM departments but are not emergency physicians. Although they have very high IQ, they will not be able to resuscitate any seriously ill patients.
420 agents are extremely good at confusing and convincing their targets into believing something. They dress well and speak fluently. Their targets are usually high value individuals in a group, like a keynote speaker or a govt official. An Agent-420 will put on a guise of an office bearer of a big organization when speaking to their targets.
Agent-420s are known to claim that they are official representatives of MCI, NBE, AHA, SEMI and other societies, and various Ministries. It is impossible to detect 420 agents, unless you are aware of them.
They fraudulently represent an organization. Always check their credentials by taking their business cards and VERIFY.
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Alias - Commode Warrior, Lavatory Lunatic
One who constantly posts, replies, debates, argues, criticises all aspects of EM activities in India, from his/her toilet. Wastes time.
Commode warriors usually work alone or with 1-2 partners. They hang around in EM related Whatsapp/Facebook/Twitter groups and monitor important announcements. As soon as they find anything appealing they begin their alleged constructive criticism without any direction or evidence. They regularly add emotional outbursts to conversation. They never help anyone officially, do not attend meetings, and avoid any real-life discussions or confrontations. They have low IQ.
Commode warriors are known to leak confidential letters, emails, documents and private photographs. They also blindly assist major online wards initiated by other EM lunatics and baby monkeys.
Rarely, they may assist projects when guided by mentors. Some post useful advice or journal links every morning at 5am.
They are not a direct threat. But are always a roadblock to any important group of multicentric initiative. IGNORE.
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Alias - Copycat
One who plagiarizes (copies) everything in EM (articles, letters, logos, ideas, concepts, projects, collaborations, etc). No originality.
Common plagia-rats are found everywhere. They copy all kinds of literature, including thesis books, project reports, journal articles, textbook chapters, images & photos, official letters, conference schedules, workshop handbooks & videos, logos, branding, etc.
Plagia-rats are known to fabricate clinical and patient data in their publications. They are also known to alter national statistics and delete crucial information in order to promote themselves or their connected organization. One rat has more than a hundred publications to its name. Plagia-rats will defend, if confronted.
Groups of plagia-rats have been seen working together to shoplift ideas from SEMI, IFEM, and other international EM organizations, and have successfully set up predatory conferences & meetings.
If data fabrication is detected, report to editors. They cannot be trusted for anything. Do not hang around them. AVOID.
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No aliases
One who is from another specialty, but has moved into EM, intentionally or forced into. Has attained EM nirvana in one single day.
Pseudo pundits are great doctors and teachers, but only within the domain of their primary PG specialty. They have never worked in their career, as emergency physicians, alongside other ER staff. They do not know how an ambulance works. They do not hold any qualifications in EM. Some may show EM certificates secured via distance education method. Those forced into EM are unhappy.
Pseudo pundits are bad teachers for EM, as they lack the intrinsic qualities and clinical acumen of a 24x7 ER doctor. They also tend to mis-manage patients not falling under their primary specialty. They are usually in a negative mindset about EM qualified doctors. Most EM trainees working under them have delayed milestones.
Some pundits may do productive work with EM physicians.
They retard development of EM specialty, both within a hospital, and at community level. RELOCATE ASAP.
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Editors Desk

Reference/share this article - https://www.emergencymedicine.in/current/news.php?readmore=201

Although we havent put up many posts over the last couple of years, our network (which is always active) has made plenty of interesting observations, especially about people working (or claiming to work) for emergency medicine (EM) development in India. Most senior & junior staff are working in a myriad of emergency departments (ED), maintaining a collective culture and are heading generally in the right direction.
There are also morons and hooligans in the system. And these crooks are the ones we were watching for quite some time. With our adaptive camouflage enabled, we mingled with them, we observed them, we heard them speak, we looked at what they were doing, where they were working, who they hang around with, their modus operandi, their online world, their offline world, their projects, what gossip they were spreading around, their regularity, what their mentors and proteges were doing, and just about everything else. And whoa! We really got to know a lot of stuff. Our analysis has led us to designate these crooks as the Enemies of Emergency Medicine Development in India, categorise their toxicity, and keep you informed.
Check out the LOW TOXICITY ENEMIES below and enjoy!
Remember, there are always exceptions and those who have been rehabilitated after temporary insanity. If you are fitting perfectly into a description, either you can change for the better, or go cry to your mom. If you are a novice or trainee in Indian EM, "For God's sake, be careful out there!"

AGENT - 420
Alias - Char so bees (420 in Hindi)
Indian Penal Code 420 - Cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property.
One who misrepresents himself/herself in meetings, conversations and documents.
The strength of an Agent-420 lies in deception and stealth, hence always works alone. They claim to work in EM departments but are not emergency physicians. Although they have very high IQ, they will not be able to resuscitate any seriously ill patients.
420 agents are extremely good at confusing and convincing their targets into believing something. They dress well and speak fluently. Their targets are usually high value individuals in a group, like a keynote speaker or a govt official. An Agent-420 will put on a guise of an office bearer of a big organization when speaking to their targets.
Agent-420s are known to claim that they are official representatives of MCI, NBE, AHA, SEMI and other societies, and various Ministries. It is impossible to detect 420 agents, unless you are aware of them.
They fraudulently represent an organization. Always check their credentials by taking their business cards and VERIFY.
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Alias - Commode Warrior, Lavatory Lunatic
One who constantly posts, replies, debates, argues, criticises all aspects of EM activities in India, from his/her toilet. Wastes time.
Commode warriors usually work alone or with 1-2 partners. They hang around in EM related Whatsapp/Facebook/Twitter groups and monitor important announcements. As soon as they find anything appealing they begin their alleged constructive criticism without any direction or evidence. They regularly add emotional outbursts to conversation. They never help anyone officially, do not attend meetings, and avoid any real-life discussions or confrontations. They have low IQ.
Commode warriors are known to leak confidential letters, emails, documents and private photographs. They also blindly assist major online wards initiated by other EM lunatics and baby monkeys.
Rarely, they may assist projects when guided by mentors. Some post useful advice or journal links every morning at 5am.
They are not a direct threat. But are always a roadblock to any important group of multicentric initiative. IGNORE.
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Alias - Copycat
One who plagiarizes (copies) everything in EM (articles, letters, logos, ideas, concepts, projects, collaborations, etc). No originality.
Common plagia-rats are found everywhere. They copy all kinds of literature, including thesis books, project reports, journal articles, textbook chapters, images & photos, official letters, conference schedules, workshop handbooks & videos, logos, branding, etc.
Plagia-rats are known to fabricate clinical and patient data in their publications. They are also known to alter national statistics and delete crucial information in order to promote themselves or their connected organization. One rat has more than a hundred publications to its name. Plagia-rats will defend, if confronted.
Groups of plagia-rats have been seen working together to shoplift ideas from SEMI, IFEM, and other international EM organizations, and have successfully set up predatory conferences & meetings.
If data fabrication is detected, report to editors. They cannot be trusted for anything. Do not hang around them. AVOID.
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No aliases
One who is from another specialty, but has moved into EM, intentionally or forced into. Has attained EM nirvana in one single day.
Pseudo pundits are great doctors and teachers, but only within the domain of their primary PG specialty. They have never worked in their career, as emergency physicians, alongside other ER staff. They do not know how an ambulance works. They do not hold any qualifications in EM. Some may show EM certificates secured via distance education method. Those forced into EM are unhappy.
Pseudo pundits are bad teachers for EM, as they lack the intrinsic qualities and clinical acumen of a 24x7 ER doctor. They also tend to mis-manage patients not falling under their primary specialty. They are usually in a negative mindset about EM qualified doctors. Most EM trainees working under them have delayed milestones.
Some pundits may do productive work with EM physicians.
They retard development of EM specialty, both within a hospital, and at community level. RELOCATE ASAP.
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