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Society of Emergency Medicine India (SEMI) Launching National Journal of Emergency Medicine
Society of Emergency Medicine India (SEMI) Launching National Journal of Emergency Medicine
Editors Desk
The first issue of the National Journal of Emergency Medicine (NJEM), the official journal of the Society of Emergency Medicine India (SEMI), is due to launch by the end of this month. www.semi.org.in
According to Dr. V. P. Chandrasekaran, the Chief Editor of NJEM, this will be a quarterly journal which will address the need of Indian emergency medicine. He said that Indian EM had a lot of unique issues like pesticide & plant poisoning, limited availability of EM physicians, self triage of the common public to the specialist, poor awareness of EM and absence of qualified emergency medical technicians.
NJEM has Dr. Meyei Appachi (Salem), Dr. Senthil Kumar (Salem), Dr. Tamorish Kole (Delhi) and Dr. Srinath Kumar (Salem), as Associate Editors, along with an editorial team of 31 members and an executive advisory panel of 10 members. The draft copy which we saw had an interesting research article on tetanus which showed patient hospital expenditures in tetanus cases.
During the last couple of years, many Indian journals of EM were launched by various individuals and groups. You may recall some names like Vitals and Journal of Emergency Medicine India (JEMI), and also Indian Journal of Emergency Medicine. None of these saw the light of the day. The NJEM is the first effort of SEMI to promote research in EM and this journal seems to be more robust than others, considering the background of the team supporting it. Emergency physicians in India will be able to get their hands on a hard copy of NJEM during the month of October. We expect to see some good stuff in this publication as it matures.
Meanwhile, another online journal, Journal for Emergencies, Trauma & Shock (JETS) www.onlinejets.org published by the INDO-US Emergency & Trauma Collaborative has been online for Indian viewers since 2008. Indo-US Trauma Collaborative (www.indusem.com) is joint academic effort between the University of South Florida, USA and All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS). JETS is focused on emergency medicine, traumatology & shock resuscitation. And lets not forget the veteran publication EMS India which has been coming to our emergency rooms regularly for free, since 2007. www.emsindia.in
Even though far from what is in the West, Indian emergency medicine is growing faster than others and we can see it to continually evolve to suit the requirements of our local needs.
- EmergencyMedicine.in

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Editors Desk

The first issue of the National Journal of Emergency Medicine (NJEM), the official journal of the Society of Emergency Medicine India (SEMI), is due to launch by the end of this month. www.semi.org.in
According to Dr. V. P. Chandrasekaran, the Chief Editor of NJEM, this will be a quarterly journal which will address the need of Indian emergency medicine. He said that Indian EM had a lot of unique issues like pesticide & plant poisoning, limited availability of EM physicians, self triage of the common public to the specialist, poor awareness of EM and absence of qualified emergency medical technicians.
NJEM has Dr. Meyei Appachi (Salem), Dr. Senthil Kumar (Salem), Dr. Tamorish Kole (Delhi) and Dr. Srinath Kumar (Salem), as Associate Editors, along with an editorial team of 31 members and an executive advisory panel of 10 members. The draft copy which we saw had an interesting research article on tetanus which showed patient hospital expenditures in tetanus cases.
During the last couple of years, many Indian journals of EM were launched by various individuals and groups. You may recall some names like Vitals and Journal of Emergency Medicine India (JEMI), and also Indian Journal of Emergency Medicine. None of these saw the light of the day. The NJEM is the first effort of SEMI to promote research in EM and this journal seems to be more robust than others, considering the background of the team supporting it. Emergency physicians in India will be able to get their hands on a hard copy of NJEM during the month of October. We expect to see some good stuff in this publication as it matures.
Meanwhile, another online journal, Journal for Emergencies, Trauma & Shock (JETS) www.onlinejets.org published by the INDO-US Emergency & Trauma Collaborative has been online for Indian viewers since 2008. Indo-US Trauma Collaborative (www.indusem.com) is joint academic effort between the University of South Florida, USA and All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS). JETS is focused on emergency medicine, traumatology & shock resuscitation. And lets not forget the veteran publication EMS India which has been coming to our emergency rooms regularly for free, since 2007. www.emsindia.in
Even though far from what is in the West, Indian emergency medicine is growing faster than others and we can see it to continually evolve to suit the requirements of our local needs.
- EmergencyMedicine.in

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