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Procedures routinely performed by Emergency Physicians

Although the list of procedures performed by an EP seems to be quite small in comparison to others (For example, surgeons), these procedures are exactly what are needed in the emergency room where delay, of even a few seconds, will lead to significant mortality. An EP will perform these procedures both on adults as well as pediatric patients.

All advanced airway management techniques, endotracheal intubation (Including usual tubes, laryngeal mask airway LMA, Combitube, retrograde & digital intubation), rapid sequence intubations, nasotracheal and transtracheal intubations.

Needle cricothyroidotomy (Transtracheal jet ventilation) and surgical cricothyroidotomy.

Transcutaneous and transvenous cardiac pacing

Needle and tube thoracostomy (Chest tube insertion)

Procedural sedation and analgesia (Includes use of ketamine, propofol, thiopentone, iv benzodiazepines and potent opiates like morphine and fentanyl)

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (Every doctor knows this? Think again.)

Intra aortic balloon counterpulsation (IABP) device insertion (Only an interventional cardiologist can do it? Think again.)


Focussed abdominal scan for trauma (FAST)

Central venous cannulation (Internal jugular, subclavian, femoral and brachial)

Regional anesthetic blocks (Includes digital, ankle and wrist blocks)

Regular & plastic suturing and tendon repairs

Anterior and posterior nasal packing

Sengstaken-Blakemore / Minnesota tube insertion

Joint reductions and plaster application

Intraosseous line insertion

Diagnostic peritoneal lavage and abdominal paracentesis

Pleural fluid aspiration

Lumbar punctures

Suprapubic catheterization

And the rest of the other minor stuff like ABG, intraarterial line placement, venous cutdown, etc.





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