Thread subject: NEPI :: Advocacy or Stupidity?

Posted by Harsha on 08-01-2009 12:38

many a times it is so pity full that emergency medicine has to take shade of incidences that has hurt hundreds(to help many more).
EM is the front door of any set up, but still its not appreciated for the fact that it is free, [FREE ENTRY].

we see that specialties or people who make a lot of money or who are into getting huge turnover to companies are highlighted and promoted and so does the specialty.

may be its in forums like this we need to get this into notice and representatives approach the appropriate people to give them a brief presentation of what EM is and the role it can play in mass casualty situations, more importantly the difference in approach.
and to tell them, that EM is just not crushing on ones chest or giving a mouth to mouth breath!!!!!

may be once they are able to see this then people may stop doing the CABG'S with ophthalmic artery graft's in EM'S.