Thread subject: NEPI :: Pre-hospital Intubation

Posted by maroju on 26-02-2008 16:16

Are emergency medical technicians (Paramedics) the right people to undertake pre-hospital endotracheal intubations?

I would agree that they could perform 'crash-intubations' in situations like 'cardio-respiratory arrest' or 'traumatic cardiac arrest'. They could also use other adjuncts like LMAs if available. But PHEA (pre-hospital emergency anaesthesia) is totally different.

PHEA in most situations is a very controversial topic, even in the most mundane sense. Anaesthetists and intensivists would be up in arms at the slightest hint of it being undertaken. Rightly so with many studies proving that PHEA in inexperienced hands is giving the death-bill.

I feel that there has to be a very tight system of training and assessment before health care professionals are allowed to practise it. Lest one could open oneself to litigation....

Any other ideas on this?