Thread subject: NEPI :: EM in our country
Posted on 09-10-2006 21:15 by Imron
One of the two things can happen. Either EM will remain at the current state or it will go up. Practically, EM will come up as an independent specialty and gain importance as awareness increases.
Posted on 01-12-2006 21:23 by Morpheus
EM in our country...... whoa big question mark folks.....
on the one hand there are people who believe that yes EM should develop in india, surprisingly few of them exist in India.... most people who support EM are physicians from the west... the NRI community.... as i witnessed at the INTEM 2006.........
can you believe an international conference that happens in India every 4 years and yet there were more NRIs than indians in that conference...........
yes its a growing field... ok ok my mistake ....... its a field thats still in the womb actually. The reason i believe EM has not come up in India to the extent it should have after almost a hundred years of quality medical care ( if i can dare to say that) is that its not born yet.
Emergency Medicine is not yet a recognised specialty in India, and mind you i am reffering to the academic part of medicine. Yes there are multiple corporates in the field of EM today, yes there are multiple ambulance services that boast of being hospital on wheels, but still there is no concerted effort into developing EM as a specialty.
Whats a football team with 10 strikers there need to be midfielders, defenders and most importantly goal-keepers as well if you can understand the pun intended.
As for me there needs to be following goals underlined for developing EM in india....
1. Recognise EM as a specialty.......which in turn will lead to more awareness about the field espescially in the medical colleges where EM still relates to the casualty where people are brought..... phone calls made and thats it....death declared in a few hours i guess.
2. Recognize premier institutes who already have established EM departments to collaborate and formulate a defined EM curriculum
3. Educate and re educate the existing medical fraternity about the need and the benefits of EM, as health care needs increase in the country.
4. Recognize existing excellence in EM and EMS in india
5. Collaborate with willing universities abroad to give a taste of the future of EM to trained Emergency Physicians in India.
6. Introduce EM as a subset of Medicine taught at undergrad level.
Yes the bottom line no longer is 'Ignorance is bliss.'
Some time or the other our sleep needs to be broken and its not wise to wake up when there is an ongoing nightmare.
yes EM will develop........ time frame well even a fool wouldnt tread there as of today.
Posted on 07-12-2006 10:31 by Gopalakrishnan
Morpheus talks of EM as an unborn child but then says that it needs to be recognised as a speciality in order for it to take roots.
A baby needs to take shape over a long period of time,have its own distinct characters,prove its individuality and against so many odds,come into this world .Only then is it recognised and given a name.
To cut a long story point is that EM has to develop from "Inside-Out".
It has to carve a niche for itself and prove its worth time and again.
It has also to change its present image of sleepy "Casualties" as Morpheus rightly describes.
All this cannot happen if we just concentrate on it being "Recognised".
Nobody stopped us from practising the Right kind of EM and motivating others around us to do the same!
It will over a period of time have a cascading effect ,and we all know what a big wave can do.........
If you havent yet made your 2007 New Year Resolutions yet here are some ideas............
1.Motivate everyone around you including Doctors,Nursing staff and Paramedics to get introduced to EM.
2.Teach CPR to your Sunday circle of Friends.
3.Be an example -Practise the right way of initial patient management.
4.Volunteer to visit 4 schools and teach the kids Basics of First Aid.If not in this generation,at least the next will witness the birth of EM.
Guys just tell me how many doctors in our country has got a concept of life saving treatment and mangement.Has it been part of our training has anyone taught us what reovery position is and does most of the cardiologists know how to do a proper CPR.All this is a long way to go.
Ok sorry for the negative bombardments the positive side there are atleast few people like us who think things can be done and can be changed no matter how long it takes.
ROCK on guys i love this forum
No of EM Physicians truly interested about EM in India = About 100
Of these, those who are computer literate = About 50
Of these, those who have internet access = About 25
Of these, those who can talk in this forum = About 5
Well, Cheers to those 5, for you are leading the way in Indian cyberspace!

Looks like there are lot of views of every post but not many people are interested in giving their opinion(just wondering why?)
Do we need to make this discussions more exiting.
Posted by
drarung on 10-08-2008 11:55
quality of discussion in any forum is dependant more on individual members rather than the skills of the webmaster. a little like a cricket team and its coach.
firstly congrats to the persons behind this website. it is a good start.
some suggestions
think of ways to improve awareness amongst medical students/doctors in govt and pvt institutions- possibly get ideas from someone in marketing.
be patient. things will eventually improve.
Posted by
drarung on 06-01-2009 16:34
does anybody know about the latest developments to get emergency medicine recognised as a speciality? what are the recent developments over the last one year in emergency medicine in india?
arunkumar ganesan.
Posted by
doc_riz on 28-04-2009 17:59
EM=M.O. In our country. Particularly for corporate hospitals. Sorry Webmaster !
not true about all corporate hospitals... its not what the hostpitals consider you to be... its how you practice that makes the difference.
Posted by
doc_riz on 29-04-2009 02:03
Man I HAVE DONE EM IN SA. I knw what d exact curriculum.
Posted by
drarung on 29-04-2009 13:24
you seem to have a particularly pessimistic view. is it based on some bitter experience?
establishing emergency medicine in any country was a struggle-including the usa and uk. respect and recognition did not happen overnight. it would take another 2-3 decades of hard work by the current leaders before it becomes a respected speciality.
Posted by
doc_riz on 29-04-2009 13:57
Yes !
of course it does, and there are front leaders for EM almost everywhere. Prof. Lee wallis in South Africa, who succeeded Dr. McFarlane... the people i know to be most passionate about EM infact hail from that country... man i would love to do a thoracotomy every week, in SA. Doc Riz, i am sorry that you had bad experiences, but most of us, have been lucky to have had good trainers... and even those who have not had people to guide them, i guess its upto us to stand up with them and suport them. i dont believe having a negative view does any good to anybody.