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'foreign' trained and returned - have they a role in Indian Em or are they mere show-offs
What is popular opinion
'doctors of Indian origin who trained in other countries are out of touch with ground reality and have no understanding of healthcare issues in India' seems to be the opinion of one of the delegates I met at a conference in India.
I disagreed with him. And, why wouldn't I? After all I struggled to get a suitable placement and work towards my exit exams in EM in the UK! I also do care and would like to put this training and experience to good use in my very own country!
But then, am I really 'out of touch'? Is all of this merely to make one-self more marketable?
Edited by maroju on 13-09-2011 15:48
I can sense some what over protective market strategy in that comment.

Ground reality in India (for EM)

Short cut to EM Physician/Trainer in India (get fellowship as well)
Read Tintinalli, Take some MCQ exams and attend workshops. Looks good, I am keen to get it as well.

Sorry to gloat, but just a bit worried about the way EM is going in India.Hopefully we will have some wisdom prevailing over in the near future.
I am quoting the below statement from my previous post in Feb 2008.

I dont want to imagine an institute or organization or people who have no understanding of EM to govern the specialty. (This is highly possible in a country like ours where politics rule). I dread the day when MD and DNB recognizes EM and opens the program in all colleges. Who are the people who will teach the PG students. There aren't sufficient EM trained physicians today. I hate the situation when an anesthetist or cardiologist or orthopedician starts teaching students about EM and trauma management.

Looks like this is exactly what is happening now.

By the way, you must be MD/MS qualified AND working in a medical college hospital to enter the FACET training.

Read Tintinalli, Take some MCQs and attend workshops. Yes, you become qualified EM Faculty.
Do you really believe that somebody can teach EM after getting certified like this, without quality EM experience which is supervised in a well established EM department.

The FACET program is not a new concept. Symbiosis Institute Pune, Annamalai University Chennai and Apollo Hospitals had started this kind of certification back in early 2000. But they failed miserably because the doctors who underwent this kind of certification could not handle real-time emergency patients. They were as good as glorified CMOs. As far as I know, there is hardly any demand for such training in India. Our hospital stopped this program in 2005.

Since FACET is a requirement in Medical College Hospitals, your training and experience can be put to good use in the academic emergency departments of private sector hospitals (which comprises of 80% of healthcare delivery in India). It will only take a short while for people to realize who teaches EM better. Don't worry!

Edited by imron on 20-09-2011 01:42
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