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Current status of EM in Indian Hospitals
All what we discuss in these forum is OK i.e. development of EM trough last decade,recognition by MCI etc.
The real concern is that practically most(I dont mean all)of the corporate hospital/Private hospital donot wish to spend a lot on developing Emergency/A&E department as they feel sufficient income is not generated from the department.
Also if you see the promotion you will never find promotion of ED, may be they may highlight Cardiac/EMS ambulance services available with hospital which they think is only thing to promote as it gives hospital feel that they have all kind of western facinating equipments with them,though most of times they may not have trained doctor in the ambulance.

Most of the leading hospitals in Metro cities either donot have a proper Emergency department and at places where they have infrastructure built to show a posh westernstyle(which most of our people get fascinated with)deparment the management thinks it can be managed by either Physician/Surgeon/Orthopaedician/Intensivist/Anaesthetist though they may have never entered any Emergency department the one including their own.

There has to be some guidelines to run ED like utleast it must be headed by emergency personal only or a person who has some training in emergency which do not mean have done only ACLS and ITLS/ATLS which many of them are the sufficient training to be ED physician.

Have any one seen Gen.Medicine department run by surgeon or anaesthetist or specialist from any other decipline?Then why with Emergency?
Though I know at present there are not enough ED physician available in India atleast any other speciality person heading Emergency department should undergo some training in Emergency and then onlybe allowed to be so called HOD of ED.
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