Thread subject: NEPI :: Advocacy or Stupidity?

Posted by maroju on 25-12-2008 16:23

Due to our country's sheer size, conceiving a plan and more importantly, implementing it nationwide becomes a mammoth and an almost impossible task.

Arun, your essay on EMS in India is very good. Many thanks for the info. (I should however beg to disagree with you on the issue of the 'Czar' and his role on the emergency services in UK. I feel it is sometimes good to have a fresh set of eyes to look at a problem with a new/different perspective and come up with answers...)

I would give full credit to the people who have already thought of it and have put some form of working mechanism into this business of mass casualty/major incidents ( am not talking of the CT surgeon in Bangalore or the likes). However, not enough has been done. Perhaps cascading the same quality of information and also training the crews at grass root levels is the crux of the problem. I am mindful that this would entail a lot of money, energy, enthusiasm and time.

Though unfortunate, it is time the government used incidents like that in Mumbai and Hyderabad to set a platform to launch its major incident management training programmes in a big way and set the ball rolling...