Thread subject: NEPI :: Advocacy or Stupidity?

Posted by ninakanth on 22-12-2008 13:26

A conference recently held in Bangalore focusing on man made disasters (read terrorism) and medical emergencies had a topic titled

A prominent cardiothoracic surgeon spoke (why CTVS?) and actually made a powerpoint on his wonderful new health city and how he had 5000 beds and could accomodate 5000 more- thus providing "his health city" as the answer!

errrr...are we stupid to use world like "triage" and "mass disaster protocol" ? why is this subject abused by showmen? and when will the people be able to sift between sense and crap?

maybe we as the new emergency physicians need to speak out against the mill of doctors that think they know more than change and developement?

needless to say when i was about to ask, the said gentleman he promptly said, no question please!

Edited by webmaster on 22-12-2008 21:58