Thread subject: NEPI :: EM Research Development

Posted by webmaster on 18-07-2007 00:54

Posted by Morpheus

i know, all of us are talking about the stages of development in which EM is but amazingly very few of us are discussing an important and vital element of development - research.
i know theres a lot of research in EM that the academic institutes are doing... as i witnessed at the INTEM 2006, but still how many of these papers are actually getting published? Are we matching upto the standards of research that have been set, raised, reset and validated in the WEST.
I know its a cliche to say " dont ape the west" but can we actually match upto them?
there might be a lot of reasons cited for our research being limited... well firstly its limited in other established faculties... so obviously its limited in EM too.
secondly funding is a problem... i know it is and i agree.
but i think the most important problem is within us... our mindset... the blockade we have created in our heads towards research.
So what kind of research should we be doing to help establish EM as a speciality in india?
we had a glimpse of the 70 research projects at the INTEM
got any fresh ideas anyone???
love to share.