Thread subject: NEPI :: Pelvic Trauma

Posted by shajoo on 26-09-2008 16:09

secondly, these swinging maneuvers should be discouraged .reason is that when there is pelvic bleed then a retroperitoneal / pelvic hematoma is formed which has a tamponading effect of the ongoing bleeder.when we excessively move the pt then this clot / hematoma is dislodged leading the pt pt to exsaguinate.i have seen many cases like that in my trauma came with very high severity of mechanism of injury with high suspicious of pelvic # and every EP coming and swinging the pelvis and the pt who was a transient responder of shock to the fluids then went into hypovolumic shock. In EM 2 pts shoulddd beeeee physically handle with extreeee careee otherwise u will lose ur pt. 1. hypothermic pts and second pelvic # pt.