Thread subject: NEPI :: FAST vs DPL

Posted by stemlyns on 29-01-2008 20:06

I still think there is place for DPL, when there is no imaging available either FAST/CT and there is convinvcing h/o and clinical signs i woould got for DPL.But in the current training DPL is falling out of place as most of the truama cases are routed to Taruma centers with imaging facilities.
FAST is the best tool in skilled hands.I accept with the low sensitivties of FAST scan but the specifitcity and negative preditive value is high which makes me think twice to do DPL on the patient.
If a patient comes with blunt abdmonial trauma and hemodynamically stable and FAST scan/CT is availble i would go for CT scan.

The evidence regarding the use of DPL and FAST as
screening investigations in patients sustaining BAT is limited.The most robust studies concern the use of DPL as a
screening test before CT.The available evidence suggests
that this is a safe and sensitive diagnostic approach.
The use
of CT is reduced and the rate of missed injuries is not
significantly higher in the reported series.

FAST scanning is becoming increasingly utilized.
FAST may support a decision to proceed to laparotomy
without the need to undergo DPL, but it cannot be used to
safely rule out the need for further investigation on the basis
of currently available evidence.